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What's the best security camera system for your small business in Davenport?

February 12, 2024
Modern security camera and shoppers at grocery store

Whether you run an office, a retail shop or an auto garage, you need to keep close watch on everything that’s going on at your business. Video cameras are critical and ought to be part of your comprehensive security system. But what features should you get? See how the ideal security camera system for your small business in Davenport can benefit you.

Easy accessibility is crucial for small business owners

Small business owners usually play numerous roles at a company. Besides heading the daily operations, you may be involved in marketing, accounting, and additional activities. You require a security camera system that accommodates your unrelenting schedule and online access is critical. Modern systems permit you to review live video and recorded footage from any location via a handy security app loaded onto your phone or mobile device. They’ll also deliver important updates directly to your phone, 24-7.

Benefits of modern security camera systems in Davenport

Will you get HD imaging? How wide is the field of vision? What happens when a camera is triggered? Those are a couple crucial questions to think about when considering a security camera system for your small business in Davenport.

Install cameras with functionality that suits your business. Here’s an idea of the features you can plan to get from top-tier options:

  • Ultra HD 4K video
  • Wide fields of view of 120 degrees or more
  • Night vision functionality
  • Simple access to live footage and recorded clips
  • Wireless or wired connectivity options
  • Smart devices that can tell the difference between animals, people, and cars
  • Motion detection
  • Instant alerts dispatched to cell phones

Note that interior surveillance devices generally have a shorter lens with a broader viewing angle. Taking that into consideration, you can get indoor security cameras with 150-degree viewing. This broader perspective will help you better observe people, merchandise, and targeted spots like check-out counters.

Actively prevent break-ins at your small business in Davenport

Your small business is filled with merchandise and equipment that need to be safeguarded day and night. While the mere presence of video surveillance is enough to frighten off many burglars, you can take your protection to a better level with tools that actively thwart crime. Some of the best outdoor cameras use distinct notifications to discourage intruders and protect your business. You can even synch your cameras with other devices. To illustrate, if your camera system discovers questionable activity, it can trigger lights to come on - while also notifying you of the disturbance.

Find the best security camera system for your Davenport small business from Vivint

Reach out to the industry leaders at Vivint and find the best defense for your Davenport small business. Our innovative video cameras offer everything you need, including wide-angle viewing, motion sensing, and active theft deterrents. You’ll enjoy instant updates and effortless off-site access to stored video and live footage. Dial (563) 674-6116 today and design a full-featured security system for your property.